How Can A Cosmetic Surgery Concierge Help You?

If you're considering plastic surgery you aren't alone. The total number of these types of procedures performed in the U.S. rose by 39 percent between 2011 and 2015 alone, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Making the process as easy as possible is a top priority when it comes to any surgical procedure. With that in mind, a cosmetic surgery concierge can take the stress off and let you concentrate on your recovery. Read More 

3 Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Not everyone is entirely happy with the way that they look. If you happen to be one of the many people who are unhappy with the way their body looks, consider undergoing cosmetic surgery. For many people, cosmetic surgery provides them for a way to actualize the ideal way that they wish they looked. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn a little about just a few common cosmetic surgical procedures. Read More 

Three Things To Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery Recovery

After losing a lot of weight, you may have hanging skin that is making it difficult to feel as confident as you want to feel. The skin can often rub and pinch when wearing your clothes, which can make you very uncomfortable throughout the day. Fortunately, you can get a tummy tuck procedure done (by professionals such as those from Laufer Institute of Plastic Surgery) to remove the last bit of excess weight around your tummy area that you need to lose and remove the excess skin that sits around your waist to help you feel more comfortable. Read More 

Why Laser Hair Removal Is For You

Over the course of a lifetime, you can spend weeks shaving your body hair. In fact, shaving only your legs can use up 72 days of your life. Imagine what you could do with all that time instead if you chose to permanently remove your unwanted hair. Laser hair removal offers you the best chance to free yourself from unpleasant and time-consuming hair-removal practices while leaving your skin smoother than you had ever hoped. Read More 

2 Homemade Acne Treatments

If you suffer from acne breakouts, you may be able to find relief in your kitchen cupboards. Here are two homemade acne treatments that use items you may already have in your kitchen: Baking Soda Mask Plain baking soda mixed with water can be used as an acne treatment. Mix the powder with warm water to form a paste. Using your fingertips, apply the paste to the areas where you experience breakouts, such as your face, back or neck. Read More