3 Things To Accept About Having Genital Herpes

Having a healthcare professional tell you that you have any sexually transmitted disease can be difficult news to hear, especially if you've previously had sexual contact with a partner who informed you that he or she was clean. While you'll likely want to discuss this topic with the partner from whom you believe passed the disease to you, you'll also need to talk to a medical professional about treatment options. If you have genital herpes, you have to accept that there isn't a cure. Read More 

3 Important Truths To Know About Tummy Tucks

Having excess skin around your tummy can really take its toll on your confidence. You may never want to take your shirt off or look in the mirror. You can end this vicious cycle, though, by getting a tummy tuck. So that you're fully prepared for this type of surgery, you need to know these truths.  The Benefits Go Beyond Cosmetic  When contemplating a tummy tuck, your reasons for doing so may be strictly cosmetic. Read More 

Everything You Need To Know About Laser Hair Removal … Down There

Whether you want your pubic hair gone for personal reasons or your partner prefers no hair in your private areas, laser hair removal is always an alternative to regular Brazilian waxing. While waxing does a good job of giving you the completely hair-free look, the results are merely temporary. That means you will be left getting a wax every little bit just to maintain the results. Laser hair removal is more advanced and safe than it ever has been before, so it is now a logical option. Read More 

Tired Of Saggy Breasts Making You Look Old? Why Saline Enhancement Is Ideal

If you think that your flat and saggy breasts are making you look old, and you have a fit body and you like to wear swimwear and other revealing clothes, it's time to consider getting saline implants. There are a lot of advantages to getting breast implants when you want to enhance your appearance and when you want to feel better about yourself. Here are a few of the reasons why implants could be the best thing for you. Read More 

Dealing With Acne Scarring Into Adulthood? What Are Your Treatment Options?

If you, like many teens, had some major outbreaks of acne during puberty and the years that followed, you may still be relying on makeup or creative haircuts to hide the scarring that these pimples have left. However, these masking options aren't always satisfactory, and you may be looking for a way to put your acne behind you for good. Are there any topical treatments that can help you manage your acne scars, or is surgery the best option? Read More