Surprising Issues A Dermatologist Can Help You With

If you have acne, rosacea, or a strange mole, then you probably know to head to a dermatologist. These doctors are specially trained to treat conditions of the skin, hair, and nails. Included within this, they can also treat some conditions you may not be aware fell under dermatology—like the following: Age Spots As you get older, it is common to develop dark spots on the surface of you skin. Since these are widely known as age spots, people often assume that they are inevitable, and that they really can't do anything about their age spots. Read More 

Starting To See Wrinkles? Take Care Of Them Now

If you are getting to the age where you are starting to see fine lines and wrinkles appear on your face, you should take care of them now. If you wait, the wrinkles will get deeper and larger, which will make them harder to treat. Below are two treatment options you can choose from to make your wrinkles go away. Dermal Fillers Dermal fillers are often made of hyaluronic acid, which is a substance that exists in the body. Read More 

What’s The Difference Between Botox And Injected Fillers?

Many cosmetic treatments now exist that don't require going under the knife but provide more potent results than what you can get from at-home topical treatments. If you've noticed that your skin is visibly aging, or you want to prevent it from happening in the first place, you might be interested in cosmetic injections that can be provided by a licensed dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. Newcomers to these treatments often mistake Botox and fillers for each other, so if you're not clear on the differences, here's what you should know. Read More 

Why You Should Not Be Afraid To Receive Botox Injections

Cosmetic medical treatments offer multiple ways to improve the look of your face, including the use of Botox. Botox injections, which are relatively popular in cosmetic medicine, include a neurotoxin that causes temporary muscular paralysis. Some people may know little about Botox and its functions, so they may fear the substance. Here are a few reasons why you should not be afraid to receive Botox injections. The Injections Are Relatively Noninvasive Read More 

Microneedling Might Be The Solution For The Sun Damaged Skin On Your Hands

Your hands are one of the first areas to show signs of aging. One reason for this is that your hands are exposed to UV rays more than other parts of your body, and you may not apply sunscreen as often as needed. Sun damage leaves your hands wrinkly with crepey, thin skin. Your hands can make you look older than you are or feel. A cosmetic physician can recommend treatments that give your hands a more youthful appearance. Read More