3 Things To Accept About Having Genital Herpes

Having a healthcare professional tell you that you have any sexually transmitted disease can be difficult news to hear, especially if you've previously had sexual contact with a partner who informed you that he or she was clean. While you'll likely want to discuss this topic with the partner from whom you believe passed the disease to you, you'll also need to talk to a medical professional about treatment options. If you have genital herpes, you have to accept that there isn't a cure. However, with the right approach to treatment, you'll be able to effectively manage the symptoms. Beyond accepting the lack of cure, here are three other things to accept.

1. You Need To Be Vigilant About Medication

It's important to understand and accept that to truly manage your genital herpes symptoms; you need to be vigilant about taking your medication. Sometimes, it's easy to take a lackadaisical approach to medication. For example, you might not bother with allergy pills from time to time simply because you've run out of them and don't have time to replace them. You need to accept that to control your herpes, and regular medication is imperative. This means that you'll need to effectively manage your medication so that you never run out.

2. You May Have To Postpone Sex

It's also valuable to accept that you may have to take a break from sexual activity occasionally. This can be difficult for people in various stages of life. Younger adults may only have certain opportunities to meet for sexual activity with their partners, while older adults may schedule time for sex because of their busy lives. If your symptoms are bothering you when you're hoping to have sex, you can't risk proceeding with the activity. Instead, you'll need to accept that abstinence at this time is in the best interest of both you and your partner.

3. A Caesarian Section May Be Necessary

Effectively managing your medication should allow you to control your genital herpes symptoms. However, you'll need to accept that when you have this STD and are pregnant, your plans for a natural birth may not be possible. If your symptoms have flared up as your due date approaches, your physician will advocate having a caesarian section. This is because your baby can develop many health complications from being born if your symptoms are active. A C-section may not be your first choice, but you'll need to accept that it may be necessary.

For more information, contact your local STD treatment center. 
