A Few Questions You May Have About Facelifts

It is an unfortunate reality that there are some people that may be dissatisfied with their appearance. Luckily, there are a number of cosmetic procedures that can be done to help give you the appearance that you want. However, if you have limited experience with cosmetic surgery, you may not be particular informed about these procedures. In particular, facelifts can be a common option for addressing wrinkles, but it is common for patients to need the following questions answered before they can make a choice about whether this procedure will be right for their needs.

How Does A Facelift Improve Your Appearance?

As you age, the skin in your face will gradually lose its elasticity. This can cause it to start sagging and forming wrinkles. During a facelift, the surgeon will remove small sections of skin to help tighten the skin on the rest of the face. To minimize the visibility of any scarring that this may cause, it is common for this skin to be removed from along the scalp. The exact amount and position of the skin that is removed will depend on the patient's goals and the current condition of the skin.

What Should You Expect During Your Initial Facelift Consultation?

Prior to undergoing this surgery, it will be necessary for you to meet with a cosmetic surgeon for an initial consultation. During this consultation, you will discuss the purpose and goals of the procedure, and the surgeon will closely examine your face to determine the best course of treatment. The doctor may make marks on your face during this process to help illustrate the work that will be done to your face. Depending on the facility, it may be possible for them to provide you with a computer generated image of how you will look ate the procedure.

What Is Recovering From A Facelift Like?

During the recovery from a facelift, it is common for patients to experience some bruising and swelling for the first few days. However, these symptoms will rapidly subside as long the surgical sites are kept clean. To help you avoid infection, your doctor will likely provide you with a cleaning routine that is customized to your particular procedure, and it is important to follow these directions as closely as possible. There will also be a need to undergo several follow-up visits with the surgeon. These visits are necessary to ensure that the face is properly healing and that infections are not developing.
