2 Homemade Acne Treatments

If you suffer from acne breakouts, you may be able to find relief in your kitchen cupboards. Here are two homemade acne treatments that use items you may already have in your kitchen:

Baking Soda Mask

Plain baking soda mixed with water can be used as an acne treatment. Mix the powder with warm water to form a paste. Using your fingertips, apply the paste to the areas where you experience breakouts, such as your face, back or neck. Allow the paste to dry before rinsing with cool water.

Baking soda paste exfoliates your skin because of its rough texture. Thus, dead skin or debris that blocks pores may be removed when you use baking soda on your skin. In addition, the high pH may balance overly acidic conditions on the surface of the skin. 

Still, baking soda is alkaline, so be sure to rinse it away thoroughly. The pH of baking soda is about 8.3, but the natural surface pH of skin should be between 4.5 and 5.5. Skin that is too alkaline may suffer from dryness, irritation and flaking. The normal acidic nature of skin allows the cells to lie flat in the same manner as shingles on a roof. However, when the skin pH is too high, the openings between the cells are exposed, and bacteria can enter more freely. Once the pH becomes higher than 6.5, bacterial entry increases substantially.

Turmeric Mask

If you love Indian cuisine, turmeric is probably a staple in your cupboard. The deep yellow spice contains the active ingredient curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory. In addition, curcumin is a strong antioxidant.  

The curcumin in turmeric causes a decrease in the levels of two inflammatory enzymes in the body. As an antioxidant, curcumin helps reduce damage caused by free radicals. Thus, curcumin may reduce inflammation related to acne and help lessen the skin damage caused by free radicals in your body.

Turmeric can be applied to the face as a mask. To make a turmeric mask, mix a few tablespoons of turmeric powder with a tablespoon of milk. You may also add a bit of honey for its antimicrobial properties. The mask can be kept in place just until it dries, or you can leave it on overnight. 

If your skin is light, turmeric can stain it. In addition, the yellow color of the spice can permanently stain clothing and other porous materials. If your skin does become yellowed from a turmeric mask, use an astringent to remove the excess spice. Nevertheless, the color will wear off your skin over time. 

There are many home remedies designed to treat acne. However, not all of them will be effective for everyone. If you have tried different homemade acne treatments but are still experiencing breakouts, contact a dermatologist today. Appearance Dermatology and similar companies may be able to offer more individual solutions.
